Welding specifications
Criteria for the selection of the execution class for welds
The choice of the execution class to be used for the welds depends by different factors linked to the importance of the component and its destination.
A first criteria is reported in the table above about the correspondence between the norms EN 1090 and the EN ISO 5817.
A more detailed criteria is reported in the annex B of EN 1090 as specified hereafter.
It is based to the consequences that a failure of the analyzed component can produce in term of human lives, people, environment and social aspects.
These aspects are summarized by the following execution factors:
Consequence Class CC
It identifies the consequence that a collapse of the structure could have.
Three classes are defined as in the following table.
Table B.0 - Consequence Classes |
Service Categories SC
It defines the hazards connected with the use of the structure.
The service category may be determined on the basis of table below.
Table B.1 -
Suggested criteria for service categories |
A structure or part of a structure can contain components or structural details that belong to different service categories.
As general rule the SC1 is selected for static actions, while SC2 for fatigue actions.
Production Categories PC
The production category may be determined on the basis of table below.
Table B.2 - Suggested criteria for production categories | ||||||
A structure or part of a structure may contain components or structural details that belong to different
production categories.
How to determinate the execution class for a weld of specific component
The definitions the EXC for a structure (or one of its components) shall be done following the these steps:
1) Select the Consequence Class (CCi; i = 1,2,3) from the Table B.0
2) Select the Service Category (SCi; i = 1,2) from Table B.1
3) Select the Production Category (PCi; i = 1,2) from Table B.2
4) Define the Execution Class (PCi; i = 1,2,3,4) from the Table B.3 below
Table B.3 - Recommended matrix for determination of
execution classes |
Based from this table it is possible to select the type of welding needed for the selected application so to prescribe to correct EXC classification.