Units converter
A collection of tables and links with some useful information about conversion of units.
Conversion factors between SI and US unit systems
Power conversion
Ex: 2 W = 2 x 1,34 ×10-3 HP |
Legenda: W: Watt,
Kpm/s: kilogram meter per second,
CV: cavallo-vapore,
HP: horse-power
Energy conversion
Ex: 2 J = 2 x 0,239
cal |
Legenda: J: Joule,
erg: Erg,
cal: calorie,
eV: electronvolts
Pressure conversion
Ex: 2 atm = 2 x 763,3 torr |
Legenda: Pa: Pascal (N/m2),
atm: atmosphere,
torr: Torricelli or millimeters of mercury,
mH2O: meters of water,
kp/cm2: kilogram per square centimeter
Relationships between scales of temperatures
Legenda: K: Kelvin or Absolute Temperature scale
°C: Celsius degree
°F: Fahrenheit degree
°R: Réamur degree
Intuitive relationships