Steel connections

Spreadsheets and tools for the verification of steel connections for the design of metallic structures.


Tools di verifica delle connessioni d'acciaio per la progettazione delle strutture metalliche.

Angle connections Type A


Spreadsheet for the design and verification of a bolted connection using angles on support plate. Angles connected together on one side.


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Angle connections Type B


Spreadsheet for the design and verification of a bolted connection using angles on supported plate. Angles connected separately on the supported plate.


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Design and verification of steel connection with clip angles, beam to beam connection

Clip angles connection 


Spreadsheet for the design and verification of a beam to beam bolted connection with clip angles tacking into account the Eurocode norms.


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Design and verification of steel connection with clip angles, beam to beam connection

Fin plate connection 


Spreadsheet for the design and verification of a beam to beam bolted connection with fin plate tacking into account the Eurocode norms.


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Welding verification of H sections


Spreadsheet for the verification of the welding of a H section connected to a supporting plate or flange tacking into account the Eurocode norms.




Welded rectangular tube section


Spreadsheet for the verification of the welding of a rectangular tube section connected to a supporting plate or flange tacking into account the Eurocode norms.