Design tools
Standard design tools and spreadsheets for the verification of common mechanical and structural engineering problems.
Tools standard di progettazione per la verifica di problemi comuni d'ingegneria meccanica e strutturale.
Hertz contact of cylinders and spheres
Spreadsheet for the design and verification of contact Hertz problems in applications with spheres and cylinders.
Constrained rectangular plates
Spreadsheet for the design and verification of rectangular plates in different boundary conditions and applied loads.
Supported rectangular plates
Spreadsheet for the design and verification of simply supported rectangular plates in different load conditions.
Verification of sections in torsion
The spreadsheet reports some verifications of sections in torsion loading
Thin wall cylinder in pressure
Spreadsheet for the design and verification of thin cylinders in pressure in different load conditions.
Rail wheel load verification
Verification of rail wheel contact force as per FEM 1,001 Booklets, ISO 16881-1 and DIN 15070 norms.
Springs calculator
Calculation and verification of different mechanical springs types using standard formulas from literature
Package composed by the following products:
- Hertz contact of cylinders and spheres
- Constrained rectangular plates
- Supported rectangular plates
- Verification of sections in torsion
- Thin wall cylinder in pressure
€ 25,00 (instead of € 33)