mec Engineering Spreadsheets 

The mec Engineering Spreadsheets provide easy, low cost and professional design spreadsheets for calculation of many mechanical engineering problems using Excel.

The engineering spreadsheets have been developed with the aim to allow a fast calculation about mechanical design according to the international codes (Eurocode) and technical literature.

Even if a minimum of engineering knowledge is surely needed, the spreadsheets have been produced to be used both by novice and expert users.

The powerful of spreadsheets allows to quickly get the answer about the interested problem, simply inserting the inputs for the computation, without to study specific tutorials or programs.

The spreadsheets for engineers and designers are available in different categories that include common mechanical dimensioning problems such as: structural bolted and welded connections, threaded holes and shafts, pin connections, shaft and hub connections, general design tools for plates and sections, lifting lugs, cylinders in pressure, Hertz contact problems, steel connections.

The spreadsheets are in English. In some sheets the Italian language option is also available.

More are being added regularly.


La mec Engineering Spreadsheets mette a disposizione strumenti professionali, facili da usare ed a basso costo per il calcolo di molti problemi ingegneristici, usando il formato Excel.

I fogli di calcolo sono stati sviluppati con lo scopo di permettere calcoli di progettazione meccanica in accordo alle norme internazionali (Eurocodici in particolare) e alla comune letteratura tecnica.

Anche se un minimo di conoscenza specifica di tipo ingegneristico è comunque necessaria, i fogli sono stati prodotti in maniera tale da essere usati sia da utenti esperti che non.

La potenza di uno strumento quale l’uso di fogli di calcolo permette all’utente di avere una risposta semplice ed immediata inserendo gli inputs necessari, senza dover studiare tutorials o programmi specifici.

I fogli sono disponibili in varie categorie che includono diversi problemi di dimensionamento di tipo meccanico quali: connessioni bullonate e saldate, filettature di fori ed alberi, connessioni tramite perno, connessioni albero-mozzo, strumenti generali di progettazione per piastre e sezioni, occhioni di sollevamento, cilindri in pressione, problemi di contatto di Hertz, connessioni in acciaio.

I fogli sono in inglese. In alcuni è disponibile l'opzione della doppia lingua in italiano.

Altri fogli vengono aggiunti regolarmente.


The activation keys delivery will be temporarily unavailable from 13/08/2024 to 22/08/2024.

You can still purchase the products, but the keys will be sent you after this period. 




07/07/2024 - Added Bolt distances check (v 1.1) spreadsheet in the Welded and bolted connection category. The sheet verifies the position of a bolted connection with respect to the adjacent elements, such as fillet welds and H section internal radius.

More details here.


10/06/2024 - Updated Dimensioning of bolts (v 3.1) spreadsheet in the Welded and bolted connection category. Added new feautures for Bolted joint dimensioning" worksheet.

More details here.


29/05/2024 - Updated Dimensioning of bolts (v 3.0) spreadsheet in the Welded and bolted connection category. Added new feautures for Eurocode verification and general restyling.

More details here.


16/05/2024 - Updated Welding verification spreadsheet (v 2.0) in the Welded and bolted connection category. Added new verifications and general restyling.

More details here.


06/09/2023 - Added Springs calculator (v 1.0) spreadsheet in the Design Tool category. The spreadsheet verifies some configurations of springs using standard formulas from literature. 

More details here.


27/04/2023 - Updated Threaded hole verification (v 1.4) spreadsheet in the Welded and bolted connections category. 

More details here.


22/03/2023 - Updated Lifting Lug Design (v 4.1) spreadsheet in the Pin connections and Lifting Lugs category. 

More details here.


08/03/2023 - Updated Lifting Lug Design (v 4.0) spreadsheet in the Pin connections and Lifting Lugs category. 

More details here.


14/09/2021 - Updated Welding shapes verification (v 2.0) spreadsheet in the Welded and bolted connections category. 

More details here.



See old news.


Some users of our spreadsheets 

Logos used with clients' permission.



For any specific request, support and help please use the contact form here.

Write a comment

Comments: 11
  • #1

    Flavio Montigni (Wednesday, 25 March 2015 13:43)

    Ho provato il foglio di calcolo dei bulloni e devo dire che è veramente ben fatto. Complimenti.

  • #2

    M. Graham (Saturday, 26 September 2015 15:39)

    Good resources for quick and detailed verification of mechanical design. Very useful and professional. Recommended.

  • #3

    A. F. (Tuesday, 25 October 2016 23:22)

    I use some of these mechanical spreadsheets regularly. They are practical and detailed, ideal for the daily work. Good job.

  • #4

    LM (Sunday, 04 December 2016 15:53)

    I have used some of the spreadsheet in this website, they are well done and simply to be used.
    With few money and few time I have solved complex problems.
    Thanks a lot.

  • #5

    Xabier (Thursday, 02 March 2017 20:56)

    I bought two Spreadsheet and one of them had some problems with the activation, Alessandro was all time trying to fix it and finally he did it. I´m very satisfy with the Alessandro attention and of course, with the Spreadsheets, they are very complete and give to the engineers or proffesionals a very good tool for daily calculus.
    Thank you very much.

  • #6

    nabil (Friday, 19 July 2019 10:42)


  • #7

    Bob James (Friday, 12 February 2021 18:36)

    We need a custom heat transfer spreadsheet!
    Can you do it?

  • #8

    D. (Tuesday, 29 November 2022 15:53)

    Great customer experience and useful spreadsheets.
    Thanks to Alessandro.

  • #9

    Shivam (Thursday, 20 April 2023 09:49)

    Activesen key

  • #10

    CorradoTG (Saturday, 30 December 2023 18:57)

    I bought "Pin connections" and I think it's a really well done, usefull and very simply to be used. The support is quickly and solving too.

  • #11

    CorradoTG (Tuesday, 16 April 2024 17:54)

    I also bought "Dimensioning of Bolts". I confirm what wrote about "Pin connections".

RATE our products!